“Where there is nothing, everything is possible. Where there is architecture, nothing is possible.”

-Rem Koolhaas, S,M,L,XL (1995)


One inherent architectural topic is how to design massive infrastructural buildings, to minimize their impact on community and natural environment.

By incorporating different forms of architectural louvers with natural elements, the project mitigates the inherent drawbacks of overly large functional building volumes.

Central Axis

When it rains, the landscape transforms and creates interactive spaces.

Semi-transparent exterior walls allow interior lighting to permeate into the central corridor, providing illumination at night. Additionally, the warm-toned weather-resistant steel material refracts the light, creating a warm and human-centric atmosphere within the space.


The design aims to repurpose existing fragmented land by employing landscape techniques such as infilling and shaping, to tie together vacant spaces between functional buildings.

The project enhances peripheral spaces using low-maintenance, passive landscapes such as rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable pavers. This alleviates the load on pumping stations, and also provides sustainable green spaces.

The rain garden fills up and transforms into a water feature, introducing a new scene to the space. It becomes a gathering spot for employees, allowing them to experience nature and relaxation.

Different materials and elements are used to create transparent and lightweight facades, allowing natural light and air to penetrate while also guiding rainwater.

Through rainwater gardens, green roofs, terrain design, and permeable pavers, the site efficiently manages rainwater runoff during heavy rainfall seasons. In addition to managing the city’s stormwater, the station handles rainwater collected within its own site, providing the city a dependable and sustainable facility for urban environment improvement.