The hills of Tai Kok Tsui surrendered to the the sea, for the sake of progress. Where does the story begin?
大角咀在 1907 年是一個重要的沿海工業區,擁有船塢和大型油庫設施。當年的造船工業形成區内的五金及輕工業發展,隨著時間的推移,五金行業逐漸式微,大角咀的五金店也逐漸減少。
Tai Kok Tsui was an important coastal industrial area in 1907, with shipyards and large oil depot facilities. The shipbuilding industry led to the development of metal and light industries in the area. As time passed, the metal industry gradually declined, and the number of hardware stores in Tai Kok Tsui also decreased.
Cosmopolitan Dock
Cosmopolitan Dock Operation
Tai Kok Tsui Metal Industry
“Tidal Stories” pays homage to this industrial craft and heritage by incorporating stainless steel material, reminiscent of shipbuilding and light industrial components that defined TKT’s economy and social neighbourhood.
- 1904年地圖,香港歷史檔案館
1904 map, Public Records Office - 1907年地圖,巴塞爾大學
1907 map, Universitat Basel - 1913年地圖,澳洲國家圖書館
1913 map, National Library of Australia - 1920 年地圖,英國國家檔案館
1920 map, UK National Archives - 1952 年地圖,澳洲國家圖書館
1952 map, National Library of Australia - 大同船塢,角醒
Cosmopolitan Dock, TKT Awakening - 大同船塢作業情況,角醒
Cosmopolitan Dock Operation, TKT Awakening