歲月在侵蝕 海岸在延伸
多少變化 多少留下
“Tidal Stories”
Time erodes the shore, yet the coastline stretches on…
How much has changed, yet how much remains?
Amidst the city’s vibrant pulse, “Tidal Stories” invites you to pause and explore the century-long evolution of Tai Kok Tsui. This artwork, crafted from upcycled blue medical masks and yellow protective gear, intertwined with poems in movable type using letterpress pieces from Tai Kok Tsui, captures the transformation of the coastline.
Let the city’s hustle and bustle gently recede as we embark on a journey into the past, savoring the tales of Tai Kok Tsui and reminiscing about the towering hills, bustling ferries, and the sea that once embraced the shore — all of which have shaped our present days.
策劃 – 香港藝術中心
Organised by – Hong Kong Arts Centre
資助 – 市區更新基金
Supported by – Urban Renewal Fund
設計團隊 – 設計派
Design Team – Design PY
製作 – 成業建設
升級再造 – Gaau1Up
歷史與文字 – 許創彥
活字印刷字粒 – 快樂印刷
回收材料供應 – 福群護老院
Fabricator – Sunyards Engineering
Upcycling – Gaau1Up
History and Text – Angus Hui
Letter Press Pieces – Happy Printing
Upcycle Material Provider – Senior Care Elderly Care Home
1907 延伸閲讀
1907 Extended Readings
1963 延伸閲讀
1963 Extended Readings
1984 延伸閲讀
1984 Extended Readings
1999 延伸閲讀
1999 Extended Readings